Bible Materials

22 - Song of Songs

by Sarah Barry   04/05/2007  


Song of Songs 1:1-2:7
Key Verse 2:4

1. Rose of Sharon; Lily of the valley (1:1-2:2)
(See note NIV footnote)
This is a love song written by King Solomon. It is a celebration of human love, God's beautiful gift to human beings. It also is an allegory of the love relationship between God and Israel, Christ and his Church. Verses 1-8 reflect the joy that lovers have in being together. Verses 9-2:2 show how love makes the loved one beautiful. Jesus is the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the valley. His beauty and love surpass all human love and beauty.

2. He has taken me to his banquet hall (2:5-7)
The banquet is a banquet of love. Love is given and accepted freely. The strong passions of love should not be aroused until the time and place are proper and right (Pr 5:15-20). We must have a love relationship with Christ; we must take time to be with him and rejoice in his love.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for blessing us with the gift of love. Help me to grow in my love relationship with you.

One Word: Jesus' banner over me is love


Song of Songs 2:8-3:5
Key Verse: 2:15

1. The season of singing (2:8-13)
Spring is a beautiful time. The winter is past and flowers appear. It is the time for love to blossom anew. The love relationship is like a vineyard coming to life after a long winter, like the fig tree which bears early fruit. Love awakened in the heart is like springtime after a long winter. When Jesus comes into a cold, dead heart, the season of singing comes. All human love relationships must be rooted in Jesus to give unclouded joy.

2. The little foxes (2:14-15)
When the vineyards are in bloom they are vulnerable. Little foxes running and playing there ruin the vineyard. A blossoming love relationship is also vulnerable. The little foxes of sin can ruin it.

3. He is mine and I am his (2:16:3:5)
Mutual commitment is essential in a love relationship. Jesus laid down his life in commitment to me. Am I so committed to him?

Prayer: Lord, restore to me the joy of the springtime of love.

One Word: Get rid of the little foxes


Song of Songs 3:6-5:1
Key Verse: 4:7

1. The King and his entourage (3:6-11)
When King Solomon came to his wedding, he came in great splendor and glory. His carriage was finer than a custom-made Rolls-Royce; it was equipped with everything to make it comfortable and beautiful. When the Bridegroom Jesus comes, he will come on clouds of glory, with the holy angels.

2. How beautiful you are! (4:1-5:1)
The bridegroom describes the beauties of his bride in 4:1-7. When he sees her with the eyes of love, she is flawless. In verses 8-15, he looks forward to being alone with her. She is like a locked-up garden. She wisely keeps herself pure as she waits for the one who is her true bridegroom. In 4:16-5:2, she invites him in and he comes. Their marriage is consummated.

Prayer: Lord, grant to our land pure men and women who can use your beautiful gift of sexuality in the context of the commitment of marriage. Keep us pure in heart as we wait for our true Bridegroom Jesus.

One Word: Ready when the Bridegroom comes


Song of Songs 5:2-8:4
Key Verse: 5:16b

1. He is altogether lovely (5:2-6:3)
The title "Beloved" indicates that the woman is speaking. She sleeps, but her heart is awake, waiting for her lover. Can we wait for our Lord like this? She hears a knock, but when she opens it, he has gone. Her heart sinks. She must find him, so she goes out into the night. She is not dissuaded from her search-- even when she is caught by the watchmen and beaten. She asks help in her search. Her description of him in verses 10-16 is colored by her love. He is altogether lovely. We can learn from her how to search for Jesus, who is altogether lovely (Ps 45:2-3).

2. My dove, my perfect one is unique (6:4-8:4)
The title "Lover" indicates that the man is speaking. He praised the beauty of his beloved. In verses 7:9b-8:4, she finds him and gives him her love.

Prayer: Lord, help me to love you and wait on you with a pure and single heart. And teach me to rejoice in your love.

One Word: Jesus is altogether lovely


Song of Songs: 8:5-14
Key Verse: 8:6,7

1. Love is as strong as death (5-6)
God so loved the world that he sent his one and only Son to die for the sins of the world. Whoever accepts his gift of love has eternal life (Jn 3:16). He draws us to himself with cords of everlasting love. When death calls, then we must go. When we hear God's voice of love, we are inextricably drawn to him. Jealousy is evil if it is a human denial of God's sovereignty. But when it is God's jealousy for his people, it is the evidence of his love and it is the mark of his rightful claim of possession.

2. Many waters cannot quench love (7-14)
Love cannot be quenched by many waters. And no one can buy love. Even Solomon, who had enough wealth to buy many wives and concubines, did not have enough wealth to buy love (7). Love must be freely given (12).

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your love for me which is stronger than death. My love is small, but I want to give it to you. Kindle it daily at the fire of your love.

One Word: Love is as strong as death

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